▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒防盗 ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ $\hspace{7.5cm}\color{#A2E2E2}\textbf{————悠悠鹿鸣,食野之苹。}\textit{《诗经}\hspace{1mm}\textit{郑风》}$
$$\Large\color{#52C41A}\textbf{✔ 100 Accept }\color{#999999}\textbf{ | }\color{#E4671E}\textbf{★}\color{#999999}\textbf{ P01 A+B Problem} $$
$$\color{#A2E2E2}\textit{\textrm{\textbf{注:快来TR}\_\textbf{Burger的主页吃汉堡吧!}}} $$
int broke()//拆字串 { int sum=0; for (int i=1;i<=c;i++){ int sq=1; for (int j=1;j<i;j++){ sq*=10; } sum+=sq*(b[i]-'0'); } c=0; return sum; }
$$\small\color{#FF0000}\textit{作为第一位冥教信徒亚玻伦的最亲密的追随者,} $$$$\scriptsize\color{#FF0000}\textit{\textbf{--As the closest followers of Apollon, the first mystic believer, --}} $$$$\small\color{#FF0000}\textit{这些可怕的生物在他们的主人身边传播圣火的信息。} $$$$\scriptsize\color{#FF0000}\textit{\textbf{--These terrible creatures spread the message of the flame around their master.--}} $$$$\small\color{#FF0000}\textit{当面对暴力的异教徒时,使徒不会屈尊使用他们的真正力量。} $$$$\scriptsize\color{#FF0000}\textit{\textbf{--Apostles will not condescend to use their real power when facing violent pagans.--}} $$$$\small\color{#FF0000}\textit{他们会向异教徒射箭,偶尔也会发射熔岩球或召唤亡灵来自卫。} $$$$\scriptsize\color{#FF0000}\textit{\textbf{-- They will shoot arrows at pagans,and occasionally, lava balls are fired or the dead are summoned to defend themselves. --}} $$$$\small\color{#FF0000}\textit{一些使徒曾经是国王、领主或贵族,而另一些使徒则从普通村民到最愚蠢的笨蛋都有。} $$$$\scriptsize\color{#FF0000}\textit{\textbf{-- Some apostles were once kings, lords or nobles,while others were from ordinary villagers to the stupidest fool.--}} $$$$\small\color{#FF0000}\textit{当使徒出现在主世界时,他们周围的海洋都会为之沸腾,天空被黑暗笼罩......} $$$$\scriptsize\color{#FF0000}\textit{\textbf{--When the apostles appear in the overworld, the sea around them will boil and the sky will be covered with darkness......--}} $$$$\small\color{#FF0000}\textit{当降低到他们最大生命值的一半时,使徒将恢复他们的生命值,并展示他们的真实力量。} $$$$\scriptsize\color{#FF0000}\textit{\textbf{--When reduced to half of their maximum health, the apostles will restore their health and show their true strength.--}} $$$$\small\color{#FF0000}\textit{一旦他们暴露真正的形态,雷暴就会降临于世界。} $$$$\scriptsize\color{#FF0000}\textit{\textbf{--Once they reveal their true form, thunderstorms will come to the world. --}} $$$$\small\color{#FF0000}\textit{下界流星会落在他们周围,真正的战斗开始了......} $$$$\scriptsize\color{#FF0000}\textit{\textbf{--The nether meteors will fall around them, and the real battle will begin......--}} $$ $$\scriptsize\color{#FF0000}\textit{\textbf{--Create by TSL--}} $$$$\large\color{#FF0000}\textbf{亚玻伦追随者,来自下届的苍白使者,十二使徒们} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『不灭重生』\ 巴尔塞冯——The\ Risen\ Baal\ Zephon} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『憎恶本质』\ 诺斯高——The\ Abhorrent\ Noghoul} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『毒蝎之尾』\ 扎瓦马尔——The\ Defiler\ Javan Mal} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『漆黑暗影』\ 艾斯崔佛——The\ Dark\ Ezrafel} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『黑天使之影』\ 芬巴——The\ Great\ Shadow\ Finbar} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『女巫之王』\ 安沃珍妮——The\ Witch\ King\ Avageleon} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『爆燃领主』\ 乌尔沙皇——The\ Pyre\ Lord\ Ur\ Tsar} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『天启饥荒』\ 科马克——The\ Profane\ Khormack} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『冷酷寒冬』\ 甘阿达——The\ Cruel\ Gan'Dak} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『荣耀之名』\ 坎普斯——The\ Glorious\ Kim'Se} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『十恶不赦』\ 萨拉赫蒙——The\ Atrocious\ Salahmon} $$$$\color{#FF0000}\textbf{『至末终焉』\ 嫦伊忱——The\ TR\ Burger} $$$$\small\textit{使徒的二阶段(右上方流星坠落)}$$
$$\Huge\color{#AA0000}\textbf{Florr.io}\&\textbf{Hornex.pro} $$
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